For many of us, when we think about eating a meal, the first thing we jump to is the protein. More often than not, that protein is an animal protein. “I am going to have a hamburger” or, “I think I could go for some sushi”. Once you have the protein part out of the way, then you start to think about what you can add to the meal to complement the protein.
This thinking is not wrong, but it does focus your mind and diet on making protein the featured part of eating. Unfortunately, that focus reduces the role of highly nutritious vegetables, fruits, cultured products, and grains in your diet. Why is this important? It’s important because we are not eating enough healthy foods. Plants, particularly vegetables, are critical in our body’s ability to maintain a healthy weight. Plus, they provide key nutrients required to run our bodily functions properly, including our heart, digestive tract, muscles, and joints.

1. Start with Foods Targeted for their Benefits
If you would like to improve your mood, weight, flexibility, and energy levels, I have a new mindset for you to adopt. Start with the plants you want to incorporate into your diet to provide the benefits you are seeking. More healthy fats? Let’s try avocado and nuts. What about fiber? Well, in that case, I would add dark, leafy vegetables and my favorite, figs. Last, but certainly not least, how about something for your gut? Fermented vegetables are one of my new favorite eats, along with some good, old fashioned greek yogurt.
Changing this mindset has been a game-changer for me. When you start with animal protein, everything is an accompaniment to a cow, pig, chicken, and fish on your plate, for the most part. Starting with the plants makes me feel much more adventurous. I reach into other cuisines, like Asian, Mediterranean, European and South American, to design dishes or entire meals. Now that’s exciting!
2. Don’t Obsess over the Protein
I hear you saying, “But Dean, I won’t get enough protein!”. Well, if you are thinking that, please read my article on protein. If you begin with plants and thoughtfully select animal meat, dairy, and whole grains for proteins, you will have no problem hitting protein targets for your age and body type.
Notice, I didn’t say, “No Meat” in your diet. I am a firm advocate that everyone’s body requires nutrients and proteins from animal sources. My strategy differs, however, in that I am reducing the focus on meat to dramatically increase my vegetable portion with every meal. To accomplish this goal and reap the benefits, a change in thinking is required.
3. Be Open-Minded and Let go of Tradition
When you let your brain drive your eating, you automatically go for the same things you always eat. Your brain craves repetition and this will cause you to revert to the same way of eating and getting the same results. To stop your traditional eating plan, you need to engage your mind and change the whole way you think about eating! Then, you can focus on the benefits of eating that your body craves.
When you attack your diet from this perspective, you greatly increase your chances of getting the best foods and their unbelievable health benefits onto your plate. Then, you can supplement these foods with aminal proteins, whole grains, fruits, and some dairy products in a more sustainable ratio to round out your diet.
Great Foods to Begin Eating Today!
In addition to adding more vegetables, here are other food variations I recommend adding to your diet to supplement a healthy and interesting diet:
- High fiber opportunities include figs, artichokes, chia seeds, raspberries, and broccoli. Fiber means you feel more full and discourages snacking. Even more, you will be less likely to miss having a huge piece of meat with your dinner.
- Fermented vegetables (bottom left) of any kind, including sauerkraut, cucumbers, peppers, etc. Fermentation provides variety in taste and texture while teeming with great cultures for your digestive tract.
- Cultured dairy products, like greek yogurt, cheeses, cottage cheese, and sour cream. The bacteria cultures reduce lactose and casein issues and allow you to reap the protein and intestinal benefits
- Healthy, high-fat foods like cashews, avocados, eggs, dark chocolate, and olive oil. These foods are filling, delicious to eat, and they help lower bad cholesterol and improve circulation and brain function. How about that?
- Whole grains, like quinoa, rice, and oats all pack significant fiber and protein and are gluten-free. Here is a great list of wholesome grains to think about incorporating into your diet. Pictured below (right) is quinoa chili with a lowered amount of animal protein and stuffed with kale, peppers, tomatoes, onion, celery, squash, etc. that I just love.
- Add some Spice! like cinnamon, turmeric, sage, ginger, and garlic. These spices have fabulous benefits in addition to fiber and flavor.
Start with one or several of these elements and build your meal up from there. Once you start to feel the benefits, you will naturally be motivated to crave more of the best nutritional foods. Start your meal planning focused on what you need and a healthier you will start to fall into place.