The way we think makes us different than every other being on the planet. We see, feel and think about things beyond us that other animals cannot ponder. Because of that, we have evolved, developed and thrived into the dominant species on this planet. This situation demands great humility and compassion for every other being here with us – people, plant, animal, stream, sky, and so on.
I want to implore and inspire you to think. Whether it is managing situations around you now or molding the legacy you leave for the next generation, you will leave an impact. Choosing not to think is a process with its own set of actions. You may be conscientiously avoiding doing what you know is right in your soul.
I have broken this section down in the following manner:
- Parenting: I have learned a lot about myself and human behavior through raising my children. It has changed the way I think about everything and it has helped me be me more open to new ideas.
- Provoke and Ponder: If you aren’t thinking, you aren’t learning and maturing. In this area, I provide things I am thinking about in the hope they will trigger some ideas to ferment in your mind.
Come join me!