When I was growing up, I was taught to be empathetic. Whether it was meeting someone for the first time or trying to deepen an existing relationship, I attempted to…

I Cannot Understand Your Journey
For the majority of my life, I assumed most people went through life in roughly the same manner as me. I figured we all dealt with money, family, jobs, and…

Lessons From Carpool Drop-off
For several years, I carpooled my kids to school every day. The school was on the route I took to get to work. I adjusted my departure time to mesh…

Please Validate My Ticket!
I actively avoid paying for parking. I will spend time looking for a free spot. Sometimes, I make my fellow riders walk a couple of extra blocks. Or, I may…

Problem Solving from the Top of the Well
Part one of a multi-part series aimed at changing the view on problem-solving. I found myself on the phone the other day with a former work friend. We had lost…

A Puzzling Way for a Creative Block to End
Recently, life got in the way of my creativity. I first noticed it after I accepted a new job offer. All of a sudden, my brainpower switched gears. Instead of…

At 18, I Didn’t Know Much about Adulthood
Yep, what you see is a picture of me at 18 years old. As I mentioned in my recent love article, I knew precious little about love and relationships when…

Finding Satisfaction by Re-Discovering Hunger
Sometimes, when I am listening to music, a classic song comes up in my playlist. Many of these artists experienced prolific periods of writing and releasing music. I wonder what…

The Good Type of Love Triangle
This year, picture Valentine’s Day like a heart and a triangle Years ago, I came across a particular leadership principle that caught my eye. In short, the idea proposed being…

My Year of Becoming Vulnerable
I find it difficult to appear to be less than perfect. Admitting to my struggles is uncomfortable. Acknowledging my feelings and shortcomings feels even worse. The whole process runs counter…