I enjoyed a hike today. It was 20 degrees, but the sun was shining bright. I headed to one of my favorite hiking spots, layered up and hit the trail. I don’t often listen to music, but today I listened to a mellow playlist. The trail meandered peacefully through the woods and meadows. The hike was therapy for my soul and spirit.
Hiking in the winter is unique. The cold air creates crystal clear skies and abundant warming sunshine. The conditions create clarity in my thoughts and emotions. I felt led to share them with you, presumably as inspiration to help you find some of the same peace that I felt today. Here are three things I noticed as I was hiking through the woods today. Interestingly, I found connections that reflected directly back into my everyday life.

Mud Freezes Over
The mud is frozen over. Sounds weird, right? On many hikes, I need to skirt around the mud on the trails. It can be quite the bummer when you end up putting a foot into the mud. Even during the driest months, I tend to run into mud somewhere on the trails. I did today, too. The difference was that I could walk right over it. Not even a squish.

This situation got me thinking about mud in our lives. Even when things are going great, I still have places where I run into the mud. As hard as I try to navigate around these spots, I end up sticking my foot in it. Sometimes, like today, I need to walk right over it. How do you do that? The easiest way I have found is to remove pride from the equation. Once the hurt and disappointment are gone, I find it much easier to walk right past that mud and not get stuck. Taking a posture of humility allows me to tackle this situation without getting messy.
Sun Shines Abundantly
In the winter, the sun shines on things that don’t receive light for most of the year. My favorite part of the hike today was noticing things that get obscured by all of the leaves and branches when the dominant plants are growing. These little beauties remain hidden from my eyes, growing in relative obscurity. Today, with most of the plants hibernating, several plant species really stood out and grabbed my attention.

A similar situation presents itself in my own life. When life is busy and I am worried about the big stuff, it’s easy to lose focus or cover up the little things that bring joy to my life. Putting the bigger things to the side and allowing myself to discover these hidden passions improves my state of mind. I witnessed some spectacular things today. On a busier day, I likely would have walked right past the moment. Moving that opportunity into its own spotlight, created a distinct opportunity to reflect and enjoy right now.
Distractions Go Silent
No bugs and few people. I wasn’t bothered by a fly, mosquito, gnat, tick, or hornet. As a matter of fact, I did not hear any yelling, crying, fighting or other distracting noises. It was me and nature, which doesn’t normally happen unless you go way off the beaten path. In winter, you don’t need to go as far because the bugs and the people aren’t around to challenge and interrupt your peace and tranquility.

I definitely need winter in my life from time to time. Distractions overwhelm me. In the last couple of years, I realize I suffer attention deficit issues. Many times, I find it difficult to concentrate and relax. That is why I like to get out into nature and attempt to remove myself from the distractions. During the more hospitable months, even the most remote locations may be crowded or pesty. That is why finding undisturbed time to ponder is so exciting to me.
Intentionally finding a time when the bugs and people would rather stay home is a revelation to me. The noise dissipates and all of the external senses seem to just relax. This situation creates a wonderful environment to think, journal, contemplate or just exist. In those times, my thoughts wander and sink deep into the crevices of my mind. The peace is tangible as I think about it. I can literally feel it.
Get Out There!
I am sure you have plenty of winter clothes and access to nature. Find a nice sunny day and get out there and take a hike. See what you notice. I think you will be surprised. There is a lot out there that you walk by most of the year. You will likely find something to reflect on and be able to apply to your life when you get back home.
If you happen to live in the Cincinnati area, try one of these areas for a hike, any time of the year!